Kansas–Nebraska Indian Education Study and Community Building Project Summary

A Collaboration between The Kansas Association for Native American Education (KANAE) and the Nebraska Indian Education Association (NeIEA)

Kansas-Nebraska Indian education Study and Community Building Project Summary (PDF)

Project Summary

graphic iconWith the rich American Indian histories found in Kansas and Nebraska (formerly Indian Territory), there is a significant presence of Indigenous people and their children in these states today – the 2010 Census shows 59,130 Native American people residing in Kansas and 29,816 in Nebraska. Despite these numbers, there is a lack of basic geographic, demographic, and student success data for American Indian students, which represents a significant boundary to creating state-wide improvement plans, building partnerships, guiding research, soliciting external funding for specialized programming, and more. Additionally, though there are a large number of American Indian education programs and institutions operating across tribal, federal, state, and local contexts, many Indian education leaders – and their student success data – remain isolated from one another. Conducting a comprehensive Indian education study across Kansas and Nebraska will help build a more complete understanding of the status of Indian education in the region. This will also allow stakeholders to make more data informed decisions, improve conditions for future collaborations, and allow Indian education leaders across these states to access and deploy state-wide research when seeking external funding for the purpose of improving education for American Indian students.

With support from the Kansas Health Foundation and Kansas State University’s College of Education, and Indian education leaders from the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s College of Education and Human Sciences, this project is aimed at making American Indian students, educators and programs more visible by listening to local leaders in Indian education as they describe their communities, programs, successes, struggles, and areas of need. Additionally, this project will work with Indian education program leaders to compile student success information across multiple programs in an effort to build a comprehensive understanding about how American Indian students are performing across our states. Through these efforts, we hope to create a foundation to build a stronger regional community of practice as we search for ways to improve education for American Indian students.

This effort will culminate with a report expected to be published by June 2021.

Research Team

Dr. Alex Red Corn (Osage)
Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership, Coordinator for Indigenous Partnerships, Executive Director, Kansas Association for Native American Education

Dr. Colette Yellow Robe (Northern Cheyenne)
TRIO Programs, Nebraska Indian Education Association Project Representative

Dr. Jia Liang
Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership, Project Methodologist

Victor Andrews (Walker River Paiute)
Doctoral Research Assistant